Friday, April 23, 2010

David & Sisca's Pre wed part 2

Sisca decided to do another pre wed photos with her printed shirts written "bride" and David's shirts written"The bride is mine". We decided to go to docklands, because the area was not too crowded, and it has lots of restaurant and cafes along the pier.
We basically strolling down the pier, and took photos just anywhere. The background of the clear blue sky, the pier, and the modern architecture were just enough to make the photos look good.

The favourite moment of the day was when sisca and david stood in the middle of the walking path and had to repeat their kiss for several times until we got enough good photos. Never be shy to do a kiss in a photos, it a strong gesture to show the chemistry between two loving people. Agree?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

David & Sisca pre wed part 1

David and Sisca's pre wed photo at mornington.
The main photographer of the day was Edy Lianto (, we came along with him to assist in lighting and giving out ideas for composition/poses. But we also managed to get few shots of david and sisca using our camera.

Location: Mornington vine yard, Arthur seat garden, Mornington pier.