Friday, March 18, 2011

Agus & Maya Pre-Wed

Congratulation to our friend Agus & Maya!!

It was a very fun day, i got to be their guest and wedding photographer at the same time. Me and the other photographer friend went to Maya's hotel early in the morning. We were greeted by Agus and Maya's friendly family. As soon as Maya had finished her preparation we walked together to the park nearby. Little did i know there was such a beautiful park in city area =) The weather was pretty cloudy and we were afraid it would rain and ruin the photo session, but we were pretty lucky that the rain didnt start until half hour later.

Honestly it was pretty funny to see your friend acting all romantic in front of you!! I giggled quite a lot. Agus looked more intense, but Maya was able to make everything become more relax. They make such a cute couple! I was happy to see that the photos turned out beautifully